So, I turns out I’ve been long dormant on my own personal blog. It’s not that I’m not busy—EYExplore, the company which I have been running for the past 4 years, has been growing and maturing steadily. Our photography workshops have multiplied and improved. And we have taken on a few auteur photographers to create unique and personal photo adventures for our clients. Finally, we have expanded to our first overseas location: London! How exciting!
However, on my personal front, I’ve let the ideas for essays and tutorials for this blog simply pile up. It’s my goal to start publishing them here. The next one is nearing completion and will appear here very soon. I never planned to blog on a regular basis, but when ideas appear, I should write them up and share them here. And that is something I have been neglecting. This blog is meant in a way to be my own personal meditation on photographer—perhaps more so than a set of prescriptions for others, the musings on this blog are reminders for myself.
For now, I want to show the second photo editing tutorial video I created for the EYExplore YouTube channel. Please enjoy and feel free to ask any questions in the comments here or on the video page.
More to come soon!